Călătoria lui Donald Trump jr în Groenlanda alimentează speculațiile legate de planurile președintelui ales al SUA pentru acest teritoriu. Donald Trump vrea să cumpere insula arctică, pentru poziția sa geopolitică, dar și pentru resursele sale naturale, relatează CNN. Cea mai mare insulă Groenlanda este cea mai mare insulă din lume, adăpostind peste 56.000 de oameni. Situată […]
The main idea of the article is that Donald Trump is reportedly interested in purchasing Greenland for its strategic geopolitical importance and abundant natural resources. This speculation is fueled by recent visits to Greenland by Donald Trump Jr. and previous statements made by Donald Trump himself.
CNN, cited by the article, suggests that the potential purchase stems from both geopolitical and economic motives.
The main idea of the article is that Donald Trump is reportedly interested in purchasing Greenland for its strategic geopolitical importance and abundant natural resources. This speculation is fueled by recent visits to Greenland by Donald Trump Jr. and previous statements made by Donald Trump himself. CNN, cited by the article, suggests that the potential purchase stems from both geopolitical and economic motives.